What will 2014 bring and what should organizations and individuals
expect from the continued digital revolution? These marketers provide
their thought-provoking expert opinions.
Nancy Bhagat, Vice President of Marketing Strategy at Intel

are going to see a huge increase in location-based marketing. With the
rapid proliferation of devices, and the explosion of the Internet of
Things, people will be carrying, utilizing, and depending on their
devices more than ever. As part of the increased dependency, there is
an increased expectation of services and personalization
Michael Brenner, Vice President of Global Marketing at SAP

social, mobile web has digitized information and allowed us all to
connect with anyone, anywhere. When we need information, we can find it
instantly. But digital disruption is about more than just information.
As brands, we need to kill promotional marketing messages and start
providing customer-centric information that is helpful to our target
customers. But we need to go even further than that if we want to break
through all the noise. One of the biggest trends I am seeing involves
brands acting as producers – going beyond the publisher mentality and
setting up newsrooms and production studios. Netflix (“House of Cards”),
Red Bull (Media House) and Amazon (Alpha House) are just the first wave
of this emerging trend.
Susan Emerick, Manager of Enterprise Social Strategy & Programs at IBM, co-author of The Most Powerful Brand on Earth

computing is next big digital trend. More specifically, the beginning
of a new era, where systems learn and interact naturally with people to
extend what either humans or machine could do on their own. Rather than
being programmed to anticipate every possible answer or action needed
to perform a function or set of tasks, cognitive systems are trained
using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to sense,
predict, infer and, in some ways, think. This will unfold in years to
come, helping human experts make better decisions in many capacities.
Applying this to marketing and communications will help us better
understand, anticipate & respond to customers.
Suzanne Fanning, President of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA)

in the digital space continues to grow as marketers seek out real-time
opportunities and intensify their speed of interacting in “the moment.”
The key disruptive digital trends we’ve seen successfully join the
forces of mobile and social together to reach audiences at the heart of
their digital usage. Images and videos have become the go-to viral
tactic, and will continue to expand as brands can use visuals to
interact with their consumers and the newest group of influencers–visual
influencers. Just announced, Instagram is joining the playing field,
alongside other messaging apps like Snapchat and WhatsApp, to compete
for the main communication channel for consumers to share personable
moments. Social networks are hungry for challenges and eager to disrupt
the current trends to start a new innovation.
Mark Curtis, CEO of BRANDERATI

was the year of acquisition, large fan/follower numbers, and
fast-growing communities. 2013 was a year of engagement and content
optimization: marketers realized that vanity numbers were not enough,
that to continue to show real growth and solid KPIs they needed to
engage their communities in a more meaningful way. 2014 will be a year
of advocacy: marketers realizing that with growth of their social
communities stagnating and the big content machine churning 24/7 they
need a more cost-effective and more impactful way to reach current and
new customers long-term in a sustainable way. The next major KPI jump
and true business impact will come from very targeted niche communities –
passionate (and sometimes highly influencial) advocates – and from
marketing with them, not to them.
David Berkowitz, Chief Marketing Officer of MRY

are going to have to come to terms with disappearing social media. This
is much bigger than Snapchat. So much content shared today is private,
and it often disappears, so marketers aren’t readily able to track and
target such consumers. Expect marketers to explore new, creative ways of
reaching consumers who prioritize privacy.
Noah Elkin, Principal Analyst, eMarketer

and tablets have effectively become the center—and integrating
components—of consumers’ multiplatform lives. In that sense, though,
mobile is more than “the new desktop.” It has a role with far greater
significance than simply serving as a substitute computing device. This
shift is reflected in quantitative terms—in the amount of time consumers
spend on their mobile devices on a daily basis—and qualitatively in the
way these devices have effectively become the remote control for
consumers’ lives and work.
This shift has also affected the path to purchase in dramatic ways.
And that is, and will continue to be, hugely disrupting for marketing.
Consumers’ ubiquitous connectivity now means they are, in effect, always
in the consideration phase for purchasing something and rarely more
than a tap away from jumping from a physical store to a virtual store,
or from one online merchant to another. Consciously or not, consumers
today are always in the market for something. As a result, marketers
need to try and continually engage prospective buyers to consider their
brand, product or store, whether the purchase ultimately takes place in a
digital or physical venue.
Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Local and the NYT bestselling author of Likeable Social Media and Likeable Business

has changed its news feed algorithm which resulted in the decline of
the organic reach. Twitter is a public company that must drive revenues.
Google Plus has introduced ads. In 2014, we will see increased
pressures on companies of all sizes to pay to sponsor their posts to get
more visibility, as getting consumers’ attention in social media
becomes increasingly difficult. This will be hardest on small
businesses, who obviously have fewer resources than big brands. Social
media will increasingly become a pay-to-play channel.
Jeffrey Hayzlett, primetime television show host on Bloomberg, author of bestselling books The Mirror Test and Running the Gauntlet

2013 showed us anything it’s that content is king and in 2014 those who
use it wisely in their marketing plans will succeed. Marketers can
capitalize on content in the upcoming year by making it compatible
across all screens and distributing across their social platforms.
Using new mediums like video to engage target markets and sharing
content via social media using OPM (other people’s money) will drive
awareness for brands and put them ahead of their competitors in 2014.
Aaron Strout, Managing Director at W2O Group, co-author of Location-Based Marketing for Dummies

wearable technology (Google Glass, fitness bands, Samsung Galaxy Gear)
becomes ubiquitous in 2014, the amount of data created will provide a
treasure trove of insights for marketers. Not only does it let marketers
know where their customers are but when and how fast. Obviously there
is a huge risk here given the sensitivity of the data but the trick here
is for marketers to provide the right value in exchange for this
invaluable data.
Vala Afshar, Chief Marketing Officer for Extreme Networks, co-author of The Pursuit of Social Business Excellence

are the lifeblood of any company, and in 2014 businesses will need to
find ways to engage with their end users in more meaningful ways.
Online communities are one such way.
Forrester reported
earlier this year that there has been a 25% increase in community usage
for customer service in the past three years. In 2014 expect to see
companies leverage communities as a forum for customers to share their
voice and also get answers to their most pressing questions from not
only their peers, but also support and product experts at their vendor
of choice.
Donal Daly, CEO and founder of The TAS Group, author of four books including Account Planning in Salesforce

dispersed nature of the cloud economy is shaping the personal and
corporate lives of all users. We are wired to a software ecosystem
that’s guiding our every move. Apps are increasingly smart,
context-aware, and location-sensitive. The fusion of personal and work
life is now a mandatory feature of systems that support either of those
two personal modalities. These are exciting times. However, we
are worried
about the untrammeled big data hype that is largely focused on
uninformed correlations rather than smart questions. We predict a lot of
Jay Baer, digital marketing consultant and author of the NYT bestseller Youtility

trends and technologies will reach maturity in 2014 spawning
considerable disruption, but I believe native advertising will have the
greatest impact. It’s a back to the future scenario. In the 1950s,
product placement and “this episode of Your Hit Parade is brought to you
by Lucky Strike Cigarettes” was the norm when companies wanted to reach
prospective customers. We then steadily moved away from integrated
advertising, bifurcating the content and the sponsors that paid the
freight. Led by news/information websites (including Forbes) and fueled
by social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram and
Pinterest, native adverting is back and 2014 will be the year that
Advertorial 2.0 becomes a major part of the marketing mix for most
companies. This has far-reaching implications for consumers,
authenticity, journalism, marketing budgets, and the role of agencies
and whether the future is more “social” or more “media.” I’m betting on
the latter.
Augie Ray, a former Forrester analyst and Voice of Customer professional

2014, the Marketing Department will fall out of love with social media
and responsibility for the medium will shift even further into other
corners of the organization, such as PR and Customer Service. Of course,
Facebook and Twitter still own too much of consumer time for marketers
to ignore them, but a focus on paid media will increasingly eclipse
earned media in marketing strategies. The drivers for this transition
have been in place for years, from marketer frustration with low
engagement rates on Facebook brand pages to hashtag campaigns that
backfire to desperate social stunts like fake account hacks to
auto-responder embarrassments. The best value brands can provide in
social in 2014 is to listen, co-create with customers, integrate social
into the product experience, furnish customer service, educate and
evolve for the growth of the sharing economy, and in most cases, these
are responsibilities that fall outside the marketing department.
Joe Pulizzi, founder of Content Marketing Institute and author of Epic Content Marketing

2014, branded content marketing will be everywhere. You’ll see more
brands launch their own content platforms, similar to what we’ve already
seen with P&G, Adobe and Coca-Cola. But it won’t stop there.
Native advertising continues to roll and we’ll be seeing more branded
content in our favorite media platforms as well. And that’s not the half
of it. I believe that in 2014 you’ll see a number of larger brands
actually buy media companies in a “build it or buy it” scenario for
content marketing.
Mitch Joel, President of Twist Image, author of CTRL ALT Delete & Six Pixels of Separation

should pay attention to BitCoin and Virtual Currency. Imagine this:
Facebook has over one billion connected people. What would happen if
they initiated a BitCoin-like offering? Why not have people from all
over the world on a peer-to-peer currency platform instead of dealing
with regions and currency converters? Sure, BitCoin is probably a
bubble, but make no mistake about it: in a digitally connected global
world, having one unified, safe and secure digital currency is going to
be something that we’re all going to have to pay attention to.
Adam Kleinberg, CEO of Traction

perfect storm has been brewing in digital. In recent years, HTML5,
device proliferation and high speed internet have become ubiquitous. At
the same time apps have changed consumer expectations from a digital
experience. Marketers, meanwhile, are starting to broadly recognize
engagement as a primary KPI in digital. The resulting trend is a
convergence of the disciplines of UX and brand storytelling. UX design
can do more than adapt to behavior, it can shape it.
Dana Oshiro, Senior Marketing Manager for Code for America

lean methodologies began with auto manufacturers like Toyota, Eric Ries
popularized the practice with The Lean Startup. Today, “lean” is no
longer just the practice of tech entrepreneurs, but it’s making its way
to innovators in non-profit organizations and government bodies – two
groups that are benefiting dearly from rigorous test environments,
careful documentation and an eye for efficiency. It’s not just social
media that is changing old industries, it’s the underlying management
and engineering practices of social media companies that are also
spilling into a seemingly non-digital world.
Michael Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner, host of the Social Media Marketing podcast, author of Launch

will continue to grow substantially as more marketers begin to
understand the value of reaching people while they are walking or
driving via audio content. Podcast listeners average 20 minutes per
episode (which about matches the average commute). Compare that to any
other online channel and nothing matches up. If your business has not
considered starting a podcast, now is the time.
Marshall Kirkpatrick, CEO of Little Bird

computing is like Google Now for everything, serving up information you
want before you even know to ask for it, based on things like the
language you use, your mobile location and calendar events. Startups
like CircleApp, MindMeld and even FourSquare are exploring it. I expect
to see it proliferate rapidly throughout the economy, as the next step
in real-time commerce and user experience. Today, many things we could
learn and do are time, effort and focus prohibitive but anticipatory
computing will front load our everyday lives with access to recommended
information and products we can make immediate use of.
Robbin Phillips, President of Brains on Fire, co-author of Brains on Fire & The Passion Conversation

the rise of social media, there has been a trend to structure life
around technology in the pursuit of constant connectivity. In doing so,
it was inevitable that we would eventually reach a point of max
saturation at which people would begin taking a step back to ask
themselves, “What is really important to me?” As the “return to real
life” becomes a higher cultural priority, we’re going to see people
eagerly embracing technologies that empower them to achieve greater
balance. As an alternative to surrendering our lives to digital
technologies — or surrendering the technologies themselves — expect to
see an emergence of more things like the Nike+ Fuelband, Google Glass
and the Nest thermostat. These tools make it easier to live better by
harnessing the best parts of social and digital, seamlessly integrating
and adding value to our lives, hobbies and interests, rather than taking
our focus and energy away from them.
Ragy Thomas, CEO and founder of Sprinklr

most disruptive digital trend I am seeing that will really begin
affecting marketers in 2014 is the ‘Internet of Things’. We already know
that we don’t search for content now, content finds you. In 2014, we’re
going to start seeing how brands and products find you. Enterprises are
now realizing that their own products can be used to connect the brand
to consumers, and they will no longer have to use a 3
rd party,
such as ad space on a website, TV or radio show, to market their
products and services. Imagine if Audi or Chrysler used their own
vehicles to connect with a person, forming a real, ‘human’ relationship
on their own terms, not relying on any outside source to create a
meaningful brand relationship. This will be the future of social and
enterprises will begin harnessing this power in 2014.
Scott Gerber, founder of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC)
Community will become ever more important in 2014 and beyond. With
the noise created by social media, meaningful relationship and context
are being drowned out. Niche communities created around common interests
will thrive so long as they have strong online/offline hybrid models
that drive engagement.
Mark Fidelman, CEO of Raynforest, author of Socialized!

social listening solutions on the market today do an adequate job of
giving the marketer signals and reports about their industry,
competitors, partners and current customers. But it’s up to the marketer
to analyze the information and take action. In the near future, these
systems will predict how to best reach your customer
and automatically notify the sales team or take action on its own to
move them further down the sales funnel.
David Deal, digital marketer and social media consultant

will disrupt the digital world constantly in 2014, threatening to upend
our fundamental assumptions of what’s real and what’s make-believe when
we interact with brands, the news media, and each other. Hoaxes have
always been a hazard of the Internet, but a convergence of “me, too” and
“me, first” thinking has created a climate of out-of-control pranks and
stunts perpetrated by consumers, entertainers, ad agencies, and brands.
We are all media now. It’s increasingly difficult to gain attention
amid constant digital noise, which makes it all the more tempting to
resort to stunts to gain attention. And an ever-present “fear of missing
out,” combined with the ease of online posting, contributes to a
culture of gullibility. Hoaxes will make the digital world more
distrusting than ever.
Jeremiah Owyang, Chief Catalyst of Crowd Companies, a Brand Council for the Collaborative Economy

rise of collaborative economy will have significant digital impact as
it disrupts business models, companies, industries and economies. In the
first phase, the people formerly known as the audience, created media
and shared it, we know this as social media. In the next phase, the
people formerly known as consumers are creating goods (called the maker
movement), and may also share goods (called the sharing economy) which
we collectively call the Collaborative Economy. This means people are
empowered to get what they need from each other, rather than buy anew.
Corporations that want to be part of this new economy must embrace the
same strategies and allow the crowd to become part of their company
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